Urgently Required
11 มิ.ย. 67

HR & Admin Executive

pin locationสถานที่ปฏิบัติงาน
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อ.ปลวกแดง จ.ระยอง

salary iconเงินเดือน
salary iconNA
number of positions iconอัตรา
number of positions icon1
english apply iconรับเฉพาะใบสมัครภาษาอังกฤษเท่านั้น
online interview iconสัมภาษณ์งานออนไลน์
Responsible for both HR & Administrative - Manage Payroll operation and ensure the process is running smoothly and timely - Maintain and update HRIS on system including filling employee data. - Assist with the implementation of policies, rules & regulations, requirements by law - Search for new sources of qualified candidate and participate in various sources including job fair, campus recruitment and other activities. - Responsible for resume screening and first interviewing to meet job specification requirement for each position. - Develop recruitment and selection process to be more effectiveness & efficient. - Employee Relations responsibilities - Coordinate with Line managers on gathering performance appraisal vs goal setting - HR compliance related annual report such as provident fund, social security office and revenue department and etc. - Perform training master plan both In-house & Public training and follow up as per plan - Responsible for administration work related to recruitment & selection function. - Visa & Work Permit for expats & Migrants workers. Administration works: - Responsibilities of general daily administration work and document to ensure the smooth operation in the office. - Maintain and performs procurement of stationeries and office assets, general purchasing, and prepare periodically report. - Monitor on office stocks, equipment, and all company vehicles. - Liaise with Government authorized departments on office license, visa and work permit arrangement for expatriate staff and visitors and prepare reports to the Government when required. - Performs and arrange all procurement of company infrastructures, including maid, driver, gardener - Perform other duties as assigned.
  1. Bachelor's degree in Human Resources, Business Administration or related fields.
  2. minimum 5 years’ experiences in all HR functions
  3. Good command of English communication and computer skills
  4. Good communication, Good presentation and Interpersonal skills.
  5. High responsibility, self driven, good team player, can work well under pressure
  6. Able to priority workload and handle multiple tasks
  7. Ability to identify and maintain confidential information
  8. Experiences in Visa & Work Permit for Migrants workers will be an advantage
  9. ****Interesting to apply please send CV in English only****
- Interesting to apply please send CV in English only.
Khun Jutathip
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