31 พ.ค. 67

Marketing Manager (40K – 60K) (SDG-104832)

pin locationสถานที่ปฏิบัติงาน
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อ.เมืองชลบุรี จ.ชลบุรี

salary iconเงินเดือน
salary icon40,000-60,000
number of positions iconอัตรา
number of positions icon1
Duties & Responsibilities: • Analyze your own weaknesses and strengths and those of your competitors. To prepare a strategic marketing plan • Analyze sales data to set marketing goals across all channels • Control compliance with the set marketing plan. and coordinate with various parties involved • Create a marketing campaign and take care of advertising media and public relations in all sales channels coordinate with various local media such as newspapers, advertising media, radio, magazines, etc. • Plan and design marketing plans both offline and online • Support information and tools for sales departments in carrying out marketing activities • Plan to increase channels/sales opportunities. and open new markets in every sales channel • Follow up, check, and summarize the results of marketing operations in each activity or month • Plan strategies Working and distributing work of the marketing department • Develop and maintain the company's Offline/Online marketing channels • Use Google Analytics, Facebook Manager well • Develop, improve, and manage the company's Website/Facebook Page • Analyze the success of the work. and cost-effectiveness and various marketing plans Languages skills • English : Conversational • Japanese : None Working Hour: 8:00-17:00 (Mon - Sat)
  1. Age 35-45 years
  2. Any gender
  3. Bachelor’s degree in marketing or related field.
  4. Working experience 5 years as Marketing in automotive dealer or another related field.
  5. Management experience to control subordinate for 3 years up.
  6. Personality: Active, Leadership, Able to make decision.
  7. Advance conversation low level of English.
  8. Join Immediately is preferable.
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RGF HR Agent Eastern Seaboard Recruitment Co., Ltd.
4/222 Harbor Office Building, 5th Floor, Unit 5A04, Moo.10 Sukhumvit Road,
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แฟกซ์ : 033-154-334
เว็บไซต์ :
ตำบลแสนสุข อำเภอเมืองชลบุรี จังหวัดชลบุรี
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