1 มิ.ย. 67

Facility Specialist / Supervisor

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salary iconเงินเดือน
salary iconไม่ระบุ
number of positions iconอัตรา
number of positions iconไม่ระบุ
1. Manage Preventive Maintenance Schedules (PMS) for building facilities refrigeration system, fleet system and manpower requirements to superior for approval. 2. Implement PMS as per work instructions. Prepare necessary resources for the implementation. As needed, prepare purchase requisition/purchase order and/or service request to acquire needed resources (e.g. parts, services, etc.) 3. Direct, monitor and review work accomplishments of maintenance technicians and utility personnel. 4. Review major equipment breakdown for endorsement to subcontractors. Coordinate and assist contractors in major corrective or periodic maintenance activities. 5. Manage spare parts, tools and other fleet maintenance resources. Periodically review the equipment/tools quantity and status. 6. Maintain individual records of delivery in all systems (facilities, refrigeration system, fleet system), history of repairs, cost, maintenance done, replacement and etc. 7. Assist and guide technicians. 8. Ensure all critical equipment operates in good condition according to the requirements. 9. Study and analyze breakdown causes and take corrective action to prevent occurrence. 10. Liaise with government bodies on building and facilities requirements. 11. Assist in ensuring the safety, appearance and functionality of the facility. Take immediate action on building problems ensuring code, safety and security regulations are adhered to. 12. Ensure that all HAVI-owned trucks, refrigeration equipment and Center and building facilities are well maintained in order to ensure maximum performance and 100% avoidance of accidents and near miss. 13. Ensure internal and external facilities policies and procedures are followed. 14. Maintain inventory for all facilities, refrigeration and fleet system maintenance
  1. Bachelor Degree in Electrical / Electronics / Mechanical Engineering
  2. At least 5 years’ experience in fleet maintenance, refrigeration system, industrial electricity, pest control
  3. Good Integrity, initiative and attention to details and Problem-solving skill, sense of urgency
  4. Knowledge on electrical and mechanical repair and maintenance
  5. Computer knowledge & skills: E-mail and Microsoft Office Program
  6. Knowledge in forklift operation.
  7. HVAC refrigeration system.
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Kamonrat Nopparatnapalai
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