31 พ.ค. 67

Interior Design (Product Development – High-Rise)

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เขตวัฒนา กรุงเทพมหานคร

salary iconเงินเดือน
salary iconไม่ระบุ
number of positions iconอัตรา
number of positions icon1
• Collaborate closely with outsourced design teams to develop and refine interior design plans for our condominium projects, both high-rise and low-rise. • Provide feedback and guidance to the design teams, ensuring that their work aligns with project feasibility, practicality, and regulatory requirements. • Offer insights and recommendations regarding materials, finishes, and furnishings that align with the desires of the target market and project objectives, while adhering to budget constraints. • Oversee and manage the construction and installation of interior design elements, ensuring they meet the highest quality standards and are completed on time and within budget. • Stay updated on industry trends and innovations, integrating them into design concepts as appropriate. • Foster strong relationships with a network of vendors, suppliers, and contractors to ensure the timely delivery of materials and services, which are vital for maintaining project timelines. • Present design concepts and progress reports to the company's management team, providing clarity and insights into the design process. • Take ownership of project budgets and timelines, ensuring their successful execution within the allocated resources.
  1. Bachelor's or Master's degree in interior design or related field.
  2. Minimum 5 years of experience in residential interior design, with a focus on condominium projects.
  3. Familiarity with managing outsourced design teams. Strong understanding of design principles.
  4. Proficiency in design software such as AutoCAD 3D, Photoshop, and SketchUp.
  5. Exceptional coordination, multitasking, and attention to detail.
  6. Demonstrated leadership and management skills. Willingness to conduct site visits as necessary.
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แขวงพระโขนงเหนือ เขตวัฒนา กรุงเทพมหานคร 10400
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แขวงพระโขนงเหนือ เขตวัฒนา กรุงเทพมหานคร
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