Lever Foundation is a global non-profit that works to promote animal welfare in Asia. Company Description Calling all ambitious, personable individuals who want a job with meaning! Want a full-time job working from home (some travel required) at a job that makes the world a better place? Set your own full-time hours, with room for growth, competitive salary and a results-driven atmosphere. This is a great job for productive, self-directed people who are highly skilled at interpersonal communication, who are resilient, and who want to do work that makes a difference. Must be fluent in English and Thai. Lever Foundation is a global non-profit that works to promote animal welfare in Asia. You can learn more about Lever at: In the sustainable food sector, we work with large food companies, providing them with professional consulting services to help them add sustainable food to their supply chains, thereby improving food safety and food quality, and improving animal welfare. Our partners include leading food and beverage chains Starbucks, Burger King, Costa Coffee, international retailers Metro and Costco, as well as high-end hotel chains Marriott, Hyatt, and many others.
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Lever Foundation
Lever Foundation 3500 South DuPont Highway, Dover, County of Kent, Delaware 19901
United States
เวลาทำการ: จันทร์-ศุกร์ 8:30-18:00 น.ขอความช่วยเหลือ: support@jobthai.comต้องการโฆษณา: sale@jobthai.comแฟกซ์: 02-480-9988
บริษัท ทิงค์เน็ต จำกัด (สำนักงานใหญ่)323 อาคารยูไนเต็ดเซ็นเตอร์ ชั้น 6 ห้อง 601 ถนนสีลม แขวงสีลม เขตบางรัก กทม. 10500
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