Okasto Company specializes in airport transportation services, hotel management, and B2B sales. In the realm of airport transportation, Okasto is committed to providing high-quality and efficient passenger transportation services between airports and various destinations. Our aim is to ensure that every journey is a pleasant and memorable experience for our customers. We prioritize expertise in route management and offer easy and convenient online booking platforms to streamline the travel process. Additionally, we offer hotel management services, providing consultation and specialized services to optimize the efficiency and profitability of hotels. This includes marketing management, financial management, and other related services. Furthermore, we engage in Business-to-Business (B2B) sales, catering specifically to the diverse needs of businesses. Our services cover a wide range of areas, including transportation services for meetings and special events, corporate travel management, and tailored services for large organizations with specific needs. Throughout all our endeavors, Okasto is dedicated to delivering top-quality services that fully meet the needs of our clients, ensuring satisfaction and excellence at every touchpoint.
Okasto Company provides a range of employee benefits to foster a supportive and motivating work environment: Annual Salary Adjustments: Employees are entitled to annual salary adjustments based on yearly performance evaluations. Fuel and Toll Allowance: Sales team members receive allowances for fuel and toll expenses as per company regulations. Incentive Programs: We offer motivational incentives to inspire and reward outstanding performance.
Communication Equipment: Sales personnel receive monthly mobile phone allowances and are provided with notebooks from the company for work purposes. Annual Social Events: We organize annual social gatherings and holiday retreats to promote teamwork and relaxation outside of work hours. Social Security Coverage: Employees are enrolled in social security programs to ensure financial stability and well-being. Paid Time Off: We offer annual leave entitlements to allow employees to recharge and rejuvenate.
Okasto Co., Ltd.
117 Chokchai 4 Rd. Soi 21
แขวงลาดพร้าว เขตลาดพร้าว กรุงเทพมหานคร 10230
เวลาทำการ: จันทร์-ศุกร์ 8:30-18:00 น.ขอความช่วยเหลือ: support@jobthai.comต้องการโฆษณา: sale@jobthai.comแฟกซ์: 02-480-9988
บริษัท ทิงค์เน็ต จำกัด (สำนักงานใหญ่)323 อาคารยูไนเต็ดเซ็นเตอร์ ชั้น 6 ห้อง 601 ถนนสีลม แขวงสีลม เขตบางรัก กทม. 10500
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