ABOUT HEALTH WORLD When you really need to unwind, book a massage or seek out the therapeutic qualities of hot springs that have drawn connoisseurs of natural steam rooms for centuries. At Health World you can soak in the culture of the East through a variety of distinctive theme rooms, divided into zones combining the indulgent luxury of a bygone era with the modern conveniences of contemporary design. Additional: You can take your pick from the bath at five varying degrees of heat or plunge into the refreshing ice-cold pool, in between relaxing under the Rain Shower and sauntering through the Pebble Walk Path. Pamper yourself even more by booking a session with one of our highly skilled masseuses, who are able to provide both Thai Traditional and Oil massage.
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อาคารฟู๊ดแลนด์ ชั้น 10 ร้าน HealthWorld.Spa 48 ซอยสุขุมวิท 16 (สามมิตร)
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