Hong Kong NTI Limited Thai Rep
Hong Kong NTI Limited’s Thai Representative Office is located in the Phrom Phong EM area of Bangkok, strictly adhering to Thai legal regulations and focusing on providing service support. The services include sourcing high-quality local resources, marketing promotion, and localized technical support to better meet market demands. The parent company in Hong Kong has nearly fifteen years of experience in advanced technology, micro-nano processing, micro-nano measurement, and semiconductor technologies, specializing in semiconductor-related products and technical services including Nanoimprint lithography systems, Thickness meters system, Ellipsometers tool, Wafer defect inspection systems, Profilometers , Nanoindenters, Thin film reflectometers, and Sheet resistance measurement tools. etc. These comprehensive micro-nano and semiconductor solutions are widely applied in advanced manufacturing and scientific research. The Thai Representative Office is committed to deeply rooting itself in the local market and expanding its services and support.
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Hong Kong NTI Limited Thai Rep
725 S-Metro Building, Level 20, Sukhumvit Road
Khlong Tan Nuea Vadhana Bangkok 10110
Office Hours: Monday-Friday 8:30-18:00For more information: support@jobthai.comAdvertising: sale@jobthai.comFax: 02-480-9988
THiNKNET Co., Ltd. (Head Office)323 United Center Building, 6th Floor, Room 601, Silom Road, Silom, Bangrak, Bangkok 10500
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